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About The Author

Wolde Tewolde

The author was born in the 13th month known as Paguemen in a village known as Zgb with no vowel.
Baptized and raised within an Orthodox Tewahdo church, he had no church education but lived in it. WT commenced his modern education in Tigray province which is the main source of Ethiopia’s political crisis. Educated in the city of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, he has travelled extensively over almost every inch of Ethiopia.
He went to the best schools be it in elementary, high school, or university in the country.
Professionally, WT served in the two highly esteemed organizations of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Commercial Bank (CBE) and the Imperial Highway Authority later changed to Highway Authority.
He came to the United States on August 23, 1986, to further his knowledge of transport planning and has never returned to either Enation.
After travelling extensively, literary, and figuratively inside Ethiopia, the author wrote a book on a collection of articles titled “Call me by my name”. The objective of that book was to establish political capital using_isms to support development agendas in all Enations of the world. This book on democracy is the cornerstone for such venture capital in Africa. It is his whole life’s journey, discovery, and foretelling of the future of humanity.

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